Your Go-To Guide To Napa Valley Wedding Venues

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Your Go-To Guide To Napa Valley Wedding Venues

By Susan Williams November 30, 2023

这是订婚的季节,所以如果你已经在梦想一个 Napa Valley wedding. 计划的第一步是找到合适的地点, 考虑到ag体育正规的数百家酿酒厂,这听起来可能有些难以承受. 虽然索诺玛有很多适合你婚礼的酒庄, Napa is a bit more limited, 提供的选择屈指可数(虽然都是令人惊叹的). If you’re open to other ideas, 这只是一个关注什么元素可以让你和你的客人完美的大日子的问题.

好消息是,如果你知道你在寻找什么,以及你能负担多少钱,那么缩小你的选择范围并找到合适的选择就很容易了. 从豪华度假村到餐厅,再到令人惊讶的另类场所, 这里是我们的指南,为你找到最好的ag体育正规婚礼场地.

Photos courtesy of Charles Krug

Historic Winery Wedding

In addition to coveted permits allowing weddings, Napa Valley’s winery venues share rich, century-old history, offering a romantic, old world vibe. 如果这就是你想要的,那就只需要比较一下福利和价格.

At Charles Krug, Napa’s oldest winery, 新人可以在酒店雄伟的传统橡树下的大草坪上举办一场盛大的户外婚礼,最多可容纳1200人. Or, choose to celebrate in the renovated carriage house, which dates back to 1881, but know you’ll have a hard stop at 10:00 p.m.

V. Sattui该公司的场地费包括举办婚礼的多个场地, cocktail hour, and reception, until 11pm, 以及在葡萄园和酒庄塔的独家肖像访问. 有超过60种葡萄酒可供选择,并有一个内部米其林星级厨师处理餐饮, 情侣们可以享受到优质的纳帕风味美食和美酒.

For more intimate winery weddings, Merryvale Vineyards in St. Helena offers ceremony and reception venues, including their stunning cask room, 客人可以在两层高楼之间用餐, century-old wine barrels. 再往北,坐落在索诺玛县和纳帕县之间的马亚卡马斯山脉, Hans Fahden Vineyards 是一颗隐藏的宝石,有田园诗般的花园和酒窖,可以吃饭和跳舞吗.

Resort Weddings

寻找全包套餐或计划在目的地举行婚礼的新人应该考虑整个山谷的众多度假胜地之一. 除了葡萄园的背景,有时甚至是酒洞, 度假村婚礼可以提供ag体育正规婚礼的所有感觉, along with the ease of in-house catering, bar service, accommodations, 以及许多新人和他们的客人所追求的灵活性.

Silverado Resort and Spa 以高尔夫球和水疗套餐吸引婚礼派对, 但它的特色在于专门承办印度婚礼, 提供融合传统的三晚庆典套餐, ritual, and culture. The Meritage Resort & Spa is another great option for larger-scale weddings, 有太多的仪式和招待会的地点选择.

At Carneros Resort and Spa在美国,情侣们可以选择亲密的私奔套餐,并在他们的餐厅享用晚餐 FARM Restaurant + Bar or host a wedding for up to 300. 田园诗般的农舍设置和令人惊叹的风景使一个特别风景如画的葡萄酒乡村婚礼的一天.

Carneros Resort and Spa
Photo Courtesy of Carneros Resort and Spa

In Calistoga, Indian Springs Resort & Spa 欢迎亲密的婚礼多达85位客人在他们的宁静的理由,而婚礼在 Harvest Inn in St. 海伦娜包括一个美丽的葡萄园背景下完美的户外接待星空下.
虽然不像度假胜地那么豪华, Calistoga Inn, Restaurant & Brewery 是婚礼和预演晚宴的绝佳选择吗. 幽静的活动花园可容纳10 - 150人, 而一个完整的物业可以容纳多达300位客人.

Food-Driven Weddings

CIA at Copia
Photo courtesy of CIA at Copia

对于希望将ag体育正规农场新鲜美食融入婚礼的美食家夫妇来说, 有几个伟大的选择,将保证一个难忘的婚礼盛宴.

Serious foodies will revel in a wedding at CIA at Copia这所世界著名的烹饪学校位于市中心的纳帕分校. In lieu of a pricey site fee, 场地按每人收取各种餐饮套餐的费用, 与可定制的附加组件的选项,如酒吧服务和菜单额外, 给夫妇很大的灵活性来定制每一个细节,以满足他们的需求.

Longtime Napa favorite, Brix Restaurant, 这里不仅有玛雅卡马斯山脉(Mayacamas Mountains)迷人的背景,还有大片的葡萄园和花园,还有丰富的菜单,从农场到餐桌的加州美食,而且价格比大多数地方都要便宜得多.

At The Charter Oak, couples can buy out the entire restaurant, getting access to both indoor and outdoor spaces, 以及广受赞誉的厨师的炉边烹饪.

这里应有尽有,从私奔到300人的葡萄酒之乡乡村婚礼, Farmstead at Long Meadow Ranch offers picturesque lawn and garden settings for vows, 随着一个专门的谷仓空间跳舞和招待会,客人可以沉迷于一流的, organic American farmhouse cuisine.

Unexpected Venues

Napa Valley Wine Train
Photo Courtesy of Napa Valley Wine Train

If resorts, wineries, 餐馆也不太符合账单或预算, one of these Napa Valley venues might surprise you.

无论你是邀请客人参加你的仪式和招待会,还是你打算私奔, set your marriage in motion aboard the Napa Valley Wine Train. 餐饮套餐和不断变化的山谷风景使这成为一个独一无二的目的地婚礼选择.

For slightly more affordable options, Churchill Manor and River Terrace Inn,都位于市中心的纳帕,提供经典的葡萄酒乡村婚礼和私奔. 或者,如果情侣们想找一个灵活的场所,让你们跳舞喝酒到午夜, The Chardonnay Golf Club is another spot that won’t break the bank.

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